Monday, October 27, 2014

Genetic Disorder Awareness in 8th Grade Science

8th grade students have been researching genetic disorders as part of the Genetics Unit in Mrs. Simpson’s, Mrs. Cutone’s and Mr. Zakrzewski’s science classes.  This project encourages students to become compassionate toward those affected by genetic disorders and to play an advocate role for those affected with the disorder through their final project. Students used Google Presentation, Google Classroom and iMovie to create their final product. MK Eagle, our shared librarian from HHS, has taught 8th graders foundational research techniques that will be expanded on in high school as part of our 8-12 curricular continuum.  

The classroom project was so impactful that it inspired one 8th grader, Julia Dansereau, to propose a school-wide Breast Cancer Awareness Day.  Julia created an iMovie that will be viewed by the whole school and students will be wearing pink on Thursday, October 30 in support of breast cancer research and awareness.  Julia will be collecting donations for Dana Farber Cancer Research Institute during lunch on Thursday, October 30 and she is asking students to “give their change” when purchasing snacks at the snack bar.  In addition, Coffee Haven has generously donated gift certificates to be awarded to the selected students who are the most creatively dressed in pink on October 30 during lunch.  Mr. Botelho, Mr. Jordan, Linda and Gloria will be voting on the most creative display of pink and one boy and one girl from each grade will receive a Coffee Haven gift certificate.  

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