Thursday, April 10, 2014

MS PTSA April News

MS PTSA April News

1. The Adams Book Fair is just around the corner!  We are scheduled for April 2nd & 3rd and are still looking for volunteers to help in the media room of the library.  Contact Olga Newkirk
Wed 3/2
8:15 - 10:00  2 volunteers needed
9:45 - 12:00  1 volunteer needed
11:45 - 2:00  1 volunteer needed
1:45 - 3:00    1 volunteer needed
Thurs 3/3
8:15 - 10:00  2 volunteers needed
9:45 - 12:00  1 volunteer needed
11:45 - 2:00  1 volunteer needed
1:45 - 3:00 1 volunteer needed
2. MS-PTSA is looking for 2 parents to "learn the ropes" for 8th Grade Community Service Day during the first week of June.  The ideal person would have their oldest child in 6th or 7th grade with others coming through the middle school not far behind.  The responsibilities are to work with the 8th grade teachers and Lena Arena-DeRosa from the Senior Center to organize a day of community service for all 8th graders and a BBQ lunch for the 8th grade and 50-100 senior citizens.  There are 2-3 meetings with teachers, a few phone calls/emails to coordinate service locations and lunch set-up and overseeing the day of the event.  This tradition is established and much of it runs itself.  Contact Kathy Cheever for more information
3.  At our February meeting the following teacher and staff grants were approved:
EPSON document camera - grade 6, team 2
MimioView document camera - grade 7, team 2
Projector, iPad & Apple TV - Tech Ed
Chromebook - Technology Specialist
Waterproof iPad cases - grade 6, science
Interactive whiteboard - SpEd
You are needed for Nature’s Classroom departure and return days. This is a “pay-it-back” situation.  When your child was in 6th grade other parents volunteered so you could be with your child as they experience this rite of passage.  Contact Maura Marczewski to offer your help.
        Monday, April 28th - 2 morning departures
        Friday, May 2nd - 2 midday returns
Upcoming MS PTSA meetings are open to all middle school parents/guardians at 9AM in the teacher cafeteria on April 11 & May 16.

Coderdojo Fridays





Questions parents may have:

Does my child need to already know code?
There is no requirements for attending a Coderdojo other than bringing yourself. Every Dojo teaches a basic introduction as a starting point to learning how to code. From there children of all ages can begin to learn how to code in more advanced languages by learning from each other and from the mentors.  

What is your goal in having a dojo?

The aim is to just get kids into a room where they can develop alongside other like minded children.  Kids at Dojos should not be forced into standardised courses where everyone has to conform to the same standards at the same point in time. We can instead produce online content which can be accessed and assimilated by children at home which gives them an increase in their knowledge which they can then bring to the group and interact in a spontaneous manner except this time with a lot more knowledge already under their belt.

8th Grade Writers Enter New York Times Contest

8th Grade Writers Enter
New York Times Contest

The entire 8th grade submitted editorials to The New York Times as part of our persuasive writing unit and their editorial / persuasive writing contest. Scroll to the comments section and you will see kids with names like "John D. RAMS229A".  That's us!  

Parent Education Series

Congratulations and thank you to Lynne Rahim and the PTSA for putting on two of the most enriching and well attended parent education nights that I have ever been a part of.   The last of the 3 part series will be on May 5th, where interpretation of neuropsychological testing will be discussed.

The first parent presentation was called “Creating a Calm Home” by speaker Kirk Martin.  There were over 200 Holliston parents in attendance for this event.  Topics ranged from defiance and disrespect to power struggles and sibling fights in the household.   There was an overwhelmingly positive response from those who attended, so much so that the PTSA purchased the speaker’s CD set, which can now be found in the Holliston Public Library.

The second evening was put on by Dan levine and Laura Moy from Engaging Minds, an after school learning center in Newton.  Their presentation, titled “Creating Successful Students: Understanding Executive Function and How to Strengthen these Vital Skills at Home”, received a very positive response.  Parents voiced that they had received practical at-home tips/strategies for supporting and strengthening student organization and time management.  There were over 60 Holliston parents in attendance for this event.

On May 5th at 7 PM, HPAC and the PTSA will be hosting Dr. Reva Tankle, Pediatric Neuropsychologist.  Her presentation on understanding test results and how to use them to understand your child’s learning promises to be very enlightening.  

Parents, as we conclude the 2013-2014 school year and move into next year, I highly encourage you to take part in the opportunities that all of our parent organizations provide.  All of our parent organizations are to be commended for their efforts and commitment to Holliston Public Schools.  We would not be where we are if it weren’t for their help.

David Jordan
Assistant Principal
Robert Adams Middle School