Tuesday, November 10, 2015

French Immersion Google Hangout with Post-grad in France

French Immersion students prepared questions ahead of time to video chat with a friend of Miss Auster's in Pau, France, a region in the south west, between Bordeaux and Toulouse. Johanna Gittleman is a Tufts grad from Newton spending the year as a teaching assistant, helping French kindergarteners learn English. Miss Auster thought this would be a great way to give her students the opportunity to talk to someone who has used French in college and beyond with help from the technology readily available to them daily. They asked everything from, "what is your favorite meal in France?" to "what is school like for kids there?" to "what is the weather like?" all in the target language. Johanna responded in French as well giving examples from her experience abroad. The students enjoyed the chance to speak to someone like them using their second language in a real way. It was fun a fun, easy way to bring France to Holliston. 

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